Lose Weight Fast Blogger
Lose Weight Fast Tip: If you are finding it hard to lose weight due to an overactive thyroid or if you have problems with low metabolism, try taking 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure extra virgin coconut oil to help speed up your weight loss. Using coconut oil for weight loss, works like a charm. When I started adding pure extra virgin coconut oil to my daily diet, it not only increased my metabolism, thus helping to burn fat, but it also helped regulate my thyroid gland, giving me TONSSSS of extra energy. When taking the coconut oil, you still need to count your calories. So don't go overboard with it. 2 teaspoons per day worked for me. And I normally took it first thing in the morning before I went on my morning walk or jog. I do have to warn you... And this is funny now, but it wasn't so funny when it happened. When I noticed that the coconut oil was really working, I got teaspoon happy. Instead of taking 2 teaspoons, I took 4. The problem is that the 4 teaspoons worked like a laxative. Kept me in the restroom ALL DAY.... So you've been warned. Don't take too much because it WILL give you the runs. You can get pure extra virgin coconut oil from most health & nutrition stores, as well as through Amazon. The brand I personally used was NaturesWay. It's creamy and has a non-overbearing coconut flavor. I know of others who liked the Nutiva brand. Whatever brand you get, make sure the label reads PURE EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL. I personally preferred the organic kind. Lastly, don't forget to also add 2 Skinny Fiber capsules per day for even faster weight loss. I'm not just a Skinny Fiber distributor, I'm also a customer. #See Ya On The Skinny Side#